Lunano (PU), 21 March 2023.
A green and lush valley, inside the Unione Montana del Montefeltro, welcomed us together with the enthusiasm of the participants in the fourth stage of #AVONImeets.
For this meeting we are guests of our customer Idrofoglia s.r.l. for a double speech, themed Stage V engines by FPT Industrial, with a very large audience: in the first part of the morning we will have an exchange of questions with the commercial area of the company and then continue with a more specific in-depth analysis and the practical part in the afternoon on one of their machines with the technical area.
Thanks again to our customer Idrofoglia for the precious welcome and to all the participants for the engaging participation. A special thanks to our trainer Roberto Paolozzi who with his technical expertise and his natural aptitude for dialogue and listening, involves a large and wide audience of participants of the stage #AVONImeetsIdrofoglia.